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    Strategies for Excelling at Life and Work with Chip Madera

    Date: February 20, 2020, 7:30am – 10:00am
    Sponsor: Goodwill
    Goodwill, Falls Creek, PA
    Advanced Member $0 Basic Member $10 Non-Member $20
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    Mirrors, Glasses & Gauges:  Strategies for Excelling at Life and Work
    Everyone wants to be successful and yet, for many, success seems to be just beyond their grasp.  During this personal development keynote, Chip Madera, MS, CSP, will guide us through the elements that define your "Who-ness." Once you understand who you are, what makes you significant and the essences of your real value - You become unstoppable.
    Chip Madera has been helping individuals and organizations LEAD with BOLDNESS for over two decades now.

    Certified Speaking Professional, Chip Madera, MS is a high energy, high content motivational speaker known for his BOLD results! He specializes in developing courageous leaders who can accelerate business results and increase employee engagement and performance.

    He is one of America's premiere business speakers and experts on Courageous Leadership, Thriving in Change and Creating Environments of World-Class Excellence!  He speaks over 120 times every year in Canada, Australia, Europe, South America and throughout the US.  His clients include high-performing companies like The Mayo Clinic, Disney, Verizon, 3M, AT&T, Gatorade, JM Smuckers and hundreds more! His expertise in the healthcare industry has afforded him the opportunity to speak to over 450 hospitals and healthcare organizations throughout his career.

    7:30-8:00:  Breakfast & Registration
    8:00-8:30:  Introductions, Meeting, Sponsor
    8:30-10:00:  PRESENTATION